The Competition & Exhibition
Belper and Duffield Rotary are once again holding a series of competitions for children and young people aged 5 to 17 years. Full details and entry forms can be found on the website, The competitions are all art related and we look forward to receiving entries in the following seven categories:-
Song writing
The theme for entries in all these categories is “The Natural World”. The interpretation of this theme is very much down to the individual entrant’s imagination. Full details of the rules for each category can be found below and on the website.
There are three age groups for each category. They are:-
Junior Up to and including 10 years old
Intermediate 11 years to 13 years
Senior 14 years to 17 years.
Entrants must not be over the upper age parameter for their age group on 31st August, 2023. With the age qualifying date of 31st August 2023, it should be noted that some junior entrants may be 11 years old, some intermediate entrants may be 14 years old and some senior entrants may be 18 years of age at the time of the exhibition. Competitors must include their age group and date of birth on the application form.
The Closing date for receipt of entries in all categories is Friday, 26th January, 2024. Entries can be forwarded to the event organisers, either through the entrant’s school or in special “You-Create” post boxes located at Belper Library (and at other location to be advised later)
All entries that are received by the closing date will be judged by a professional in the particular category field. Prizes in all three age groups will be awarded to be the winner and the runner up in each category, together with any entries judged as highly commended. Prizes will be £20 for winner, £10 for Runner up and £5 for Highly Commended.
All entrants will receive a certificate of participation following the exhibition
After judging all entries received will be placed on public display at Number Twenty Eight, The Market Place, Belper on from 10am to 4pm on Saturday, 17th February 2024 and from 10am to 2pm on Sunday, 18th February 2024. A number of local dignitaries have been invited to attend and view the exhibition. Light refreshments will be available both days. There will be an official opening ceremony at 11am on Saturday, 17th February 2024.
Arrangements will be made for the prizes to be presented and for entries and Certificates of Participation to be returned, via schools in the two weeks following the exhibition.
It is hoped that the judges will be present at Number Twenty-Eight during the Exhibition. Times of their attendance will be available nearer the day.
With support all the way from your local Rotary club, there is no reason not to take the leap and enter.
What's your passion?
Choose your competition below